Showing posts with label snacks indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snacks indonesia. Show all posts

Monday 16 March 2015

Indonesian snacks

some time ago I had posted a traditional Indonesian cuisine. and now I will share information with you all some Indonesian traditional snacks. straight to

1. getuk Lindri
These snacks are one of his usual encountered in Central Java and Java area easterlies.
This Lindri getuk main base material is cassava. lindri getuk sellers usually peddle their wares in a way to play a song on their carts with large volumes, and usually a song in the play that song dangdut.

2.Kue Leker
Leker cake aplenty encountered in town solo. Her taste sweet because in him there are meses or cheese, but also can be in love tembahan whatever to taste. This Leker cake origin, namely when the Dutch were in town solo, the Dutch bought this cake and they say "lekker" which means good, that's because the name can Leker cake.

3. Cake Rangi
Rangi cake or commonly known as Cake Sagurangi name is Betawi snacks, shaped like the Cake pancong or bandros, but Cake Rangi has a smaller size and it was different, because only Rangi Cakes made from sago starch or farmer and grated coconut , then baked and served with brown sugar solution.

4. Flower Shake
Traditional snacks Betawi have started forgotten, is often used as a first hawker friends for coffee or tea, because it has a savory and sweet flavors. Maybe now we can still find these snacks when Eid or party. For the people who live in the area of Bali or Lombok may still often find these snacks in the traditional markets, as Goyang Flower Cake is often used as the contents of the offering by Hindus.

yes maybe enough by now that I am used to. maybe next time I will connect back.
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